So, I just noticed that Batman: Arkham City will exist. This is another "not-particularly-surprising" scenario. Videogame critics agreed on the greatness of it's predecessor.
Again, Batman: Arkham Asylum was another game that underwhelmed me. I'm actually quite sad about that, because I've had a love for Batman since I was small. (I think I've watched Batman Returns about 30 trillion times.) It underwhelmed me even though logically I could see that the game was pretty freaking spectacular. I went into it thinking, "This will be the greatest gaming experience ever!" A smarter person might learn not to do that. Everything about it was rather amazing, but I guess I just expected more. I won't be making that mistake with Batman: Arkham City.
Apparently there are some new features in B: AC, such as the interrogation feature. The riddler will still be present, but to find his clues, rather than using a map, you will interrogate thugs. So don't go off on a crazy killing spree until you double checked if any of them have info.
Also, the environment is supposedly five times as big as the previous game according to Seton Hill of Rocksteady.
Sadly, it has been confirmed as a single player game still, as the developer wanted to perfect the solo campaign. “Wіth thе game now coming tο thе final stages, I саn hοnеѕtlу ѕау іt wουld nοt hаνе bееn possible tο deliver Arkham City thе way wе wanted tο іf wе′d hаνе added multiplayer.” said Hill.
Batman: Arkham City will be delighting geeks / nerds everywhere this winter, and there will be a mini-comic series (six issues) to successfully bridge the two games.
(via batmanarkhamcity)
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