Wednesday, February 16

Natalie Munroe Trashes Teachers and Students in Online Blog

Natalie munroe pennsylvania teacher

This kind of makes me laugh. While I can understand why people are finding this horrifying, and rightly so, it also seems comical and understandable from the teachers point of view.

The only thing I would say is that she shouldn't have put her picture up there.

I think that the comments are probably relatively accurate and a good statement on how people, specifically in the Western world, are raising their children. (Though, calling it "raising" implies the parents are actually doing something, which seems not often likely.)


"30-year old, Doylestown, Pennsylvania native, Natalie Munroe, a teacher at Central Bucks East High School, doesn't apologize for a blog she created that lashed out against students and teachers in general. Comments such as: "A complete and utter jerk in all ways," "although academically okay your child has no other redeeming qualities," "I hear the trash company is hiring," and "There's no other way to say this, I hate your kid." "Out of contol," and "rude, lazy, disengaged whiners." or "rat-like," "dresses like a streetwalker," and "frightfully dim."

Check out NewsontheEdge for the full article.

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